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Our values and commitments

R.S.E. (La Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises – association for developing sustainable businesses), integrating the disabled, showing solidarity and being spokespersons for those people who help to make our region attractive all has real meaning for us.

These are not just empty gestures. Because each of us is connected to the essence of life.

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Association des Vignes de Nantes      

This association was co-founded by Fabien Chéneau (a sales director specialising in high quality wines and spirits) and Marie Luneau-Papin with the aim of bringing together premium Muscadet producers to show the diversity of their work and their terroirs (Sèvre et Maine, Côtes de Grandlieu and Coteaux du Loire) to enable them to develop and highlight their qualities. The number of members varies with the vintages and tastings – also their changing priorities. Having a common philosophy that highlights great terroirs and a keen sense of the collective interest (the real one!) must be part of what makes producers keen to join us as members.

Do It Your Sel

This association was set up by Valerie and Jean Chéneau to help families of children with multiple disabilities. Do It Your Sel has designed kits of bottled sea water saturated with Noirmoutier salt, which it sells to both individuals and businesses.
100% of the profits go to the association, which helps families with multiple disabilities by giving them advice and tips on living well and to avoid the physical and mental fatigue of parent carers and the all members of the family.
Domnaine Luneau-Papin has been a partner in this association since its inception. Since 2019 the salt water has been bottled at our domaine.

Le Secours Populaire
Fédération de Loire-Atlantique

This French institution was founded in 1945 to help those most in need. As well as distributing basic necessities, it also organises holiday camps and local social actions, charity shops and support in schools.
Its reach is wide and now reaching and helping more and more people.
We have been a partner in Secours Populaire since 2018.

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Collège Culinaire de France

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It was the imagination and commitment of 15 chefs of international renown that created this association.
Today chefs and quality producers promote
French gastronomy, agriculture and viticulture.
Domaine Luneau-Papin has been a member since 2017 and Marie is the regional representative of the Collège Culinaire de France.

Le Reflet - Les Extraordinaires

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Restaurant le Reflet opened in Nantes in November 2016. It is run by L’Association Les Extraordinaires (an organisation that helps people with mental handicaps) and the architect Flore Lelièvre. A second restaurant opened in Paris in 2019.
We have been a partner in Reflet Paris and Nantes since the beginning.

Share your tasting moments!

Identify @domaineluneaupapin in your photos and mention the #hashtag of the cuvée. We will present the best photos on our site.
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Phone: +33(0)2 40 06 45 27
3, La Grange – 44 430 Le Landreau – FRANCE

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