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Wonderfully loyal

Our loyal customers for our Muscadet Sèvre et Maine, Muscadet Sèvre et Maine (Goulaine) and Gros Plant, in both France and around the world (40 countries), support and follow us and our projects through thick and thin.

Every day this is our team’s greatest gift.

Some of these international customers have followed us for two generations.
They have welcomed and understood our projects in all their diversity.

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International Clients       

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French clients       

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Wine merchants and e-commerce a selection of authors at your doorstep

Individual wine loving customers

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From famous ones with an international reputation to (good value) bistros
with tasty food

Luneau-Papin’s wine portfolio has been exported for two generations.
There have always been hidden treasures within the Muscadet appellation. Although Muscadet is well known to the general public, it is important realise that all of its facets are not known.
You cannot fully appreciate Frédéric Chopin from listening to just one of his compositions !
Yes over decades great restaurants like Paul Bocuse have matched their amazing food with our single vineyard Sèvre et Maine Muscadets.

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Français Anglais Do not hesitate to ask us for a list of the wine merchants and restaurants closest to you who have had the good idea and the exquisite taste to list our beautiful cuvées.

Or if you want to visit us, let's make an appointment!

Share your tasting moments!

Identify @domaineluneaupapin in your photos and mention the #hashtag of the cuvée. We will present the best photos on our site.
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Cela veut dire que c’est inapproprié, que cela a violé des lois ou enfreint les droits de quelqu’un. Signaler cette photo va nous permettre de la retirer. Les adresses email sont conservées au cas où nous aurions besoin de feedback sur la signalisation. Nous ne transmettrons pas votre email à une tierce personne.

Phone: +33(0)2 40 06 45 27
3, La Grange – 44 430 Le Landreau – FRANCE

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