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of Domaine Luneau-Papin

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Just as every season has its own wardrobe, so every parcel has its wine.
At our domaine whites take pride of place. Today we have two Muscadet Sèvre et Maine Goulaine, nine Muscadet Sèvre et Maine and one Gros Plant du Pays Nantais.
Each one carries the characteristics of its vineyard and the vintage from which it came.

The qualities of great terroirs are unchanging provided that the work through the seasons from pruning in the winter, through the tasks of the spring and summer, then manual harvesting, fermentation in undergound tanks or barrels or wooden vats with aging from 6 to 42 months on the fine lees is done with care, love and questioning.

When the winegrower's creation highlights
the great terroirs

A.O.P Muscadet Sèvre & Maine

This wine was born in two vintages: 2005 and 2009. It is the product of a sunny vintage and, from long maturation, is a delicious indulgence.

Belonging to the Papin family its terroir is a mix of mica-schists and weathered schists. The Latin ‘Pueri Solis’ means sunny child.

A.O.P Muscadet Sèvre & Maine Goulaine

This wine saw the light of day in 2001 and is one of the original wines of the Goulaine communal appellation. . Its terroir consists of mica-schists and weathered schists.
. The parcel comes from the Papin family. Excelsior in Latin means ‘higher and higher’.

Over two decades this Luneau-Papin wine has become famous through its success at tastings and is listed on the wine lists of some of the best international restaurants.

A.O.P Muscadet Sèvre & Maine Goulaine

2016 was the first vintage of Gula-Ana 2016.It comes from the top of the Butte de la Roche, a terroir of peridotite and weathered serpentinite.
The etymology of this wine’s name which comes from the Marais de Goulaine: Gula in Latin means ‘throat’ and Ana in Gallic means ‘marsh’.

A.O.P Muscadet Sèvre & Maine

First made in 2008 this wine gave and continues to give impetus to our projects. This is a great Nantais terroir
made up of peridotite in a steep hill of weathered serpentinite. This parcel has two aspects – one facing the rising sun the other the setting sun – and an incredible viewpoint with views from the western slope over the Marais de Goulaine and the city of Nantes. Butte de la Roche is meeting place and a site of archaeological importance that amazes visitors and causes them to reflect.

Every vintage of Terre de pierre expresses the elegance and uniqueness of this remarkable natural site.

A.O.P Muscadet Sèvre & Maine

This wine was first made during the 1970s from a vineyard owned by the Luneau family and planted on granite. It demonstrates the remarkable aging potential of Muscadet.
Over four decades Luneau-Papin’s L d’Or has become famous through its success at tastings and is listed on the wine lists of some of the best international restaurants.
L d’Or is testament to the faith that our family has always had in its exceptional terroirs and the Melon de Bourgogne – the jewel of the Nantais vineyards.

A.O.P Muscadet Sèvre & Maine

This wine was born in the 1970s and comes from vines planted on gneiss which belonged to the Papin family.

Les Pierres Blanches always surprises us with its vivacity and its elegant precision.

A.O.P Muscadet Sèvre & Maine

This wine was first made in the 1970s. We are the sole owner of the Clos de l’Allée, a parcel of 2.3 hectares belonging to the Luneau family.. The vines are planted on mica-schist and weathered schist. This used to be the historic border between three seigneuries (land owned and governed by a French noble) and led to the establishment of the village of Le Landreau at the end of the 17th century.

The Clos de l’Allée Monopole always has an elegant minerality
marked by this early ripening single vineyard.

A.O.P Muscadet Sèvre & Maine

We launched this wine in 2015. It comes from a vineyard belonging to the Luneau family and consisting of a mix of quartz, mica-schists and gneiss.

Vera Cruz in old Spanish signifies ‘real cross’, this wine warms the soul and heart with its Hispano-Loire aromas.

A.O.P Muscadet Sèvre & Maine

Clos du Milieu cadastral plot facing the cellars of the domain.

This fine classic wine was first produced in 2011.

It is sold on allocation to selected distributors. Its is terroir is composed of mica-schists and weathered schists.

A.O.P Muscadet Sèvre & Maine

We first produced this wine in the 1990s from a vineyard planted on schists belonging to the Papin family.

Le Verger is designed to highlight salinity and the crunch of freshly cut fruit.

A.O.P Muscadet Sèvre & Maine

La Grange was born in the 1970s and is a blend of
parcels of schist and mica-schists around the
family winery.

A fine classic Muscadet Sèvre et Maine that each vintage is representative of Domaine Luneau-Papin.

A.O.P Gros Plant du Pays Nantais

This wine comes from vines planted on sand overlaying schist. It was first made in 2008 and has only one purpose: to refresh you and danse the waltz when enjoying shellfish.

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Phone: +33(0)2 40 06 45 27
3, La Grange – 44 430 Le Landreau – FRANCE

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