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Domaine Luneau-Papin’s talented team

They are our essential arms – the two of us cannot look after and pamper all our vines as well as all lovely customers – not to mention our brains (we can’t think of everything!).
They are the essence of our domaine, its values and we have great pleasure working together year after year.
Our happy team is the key to our success. Their diversity of talents and personalities helps our team to work together successfully and adds to our collective skills bringing us the joy of the morning sun.

Bruno, compagnon vigneron

Bruno joined the domaine in 2005.
He has been a vineyard worker since he was a tender youth and he has put his heart and mind to welcome and understand our conversion to organic farming. In 2008 and 2009 we used hoes in four hectares to control the weeds. Finally in 2010 we equipped our tractors to do this backbreaking work!
In the succeeding years Bruno has continued to interrogate and question himself every day in order to better understand and interpret our vision of viticulture and agriculture.

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Because understanding, questioning
and being open to ideas brings us together.

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Franck – compagnon vigneron

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It was in 2009 that Franck joined the team with the brief to adapt the domaine to the challenges of organic farming. He joined to support Pierre-Marie in the work in the vines that we had started back in 2008.
Pruning during the winter, then during the summer cultivating the soil and caring for the vines. Franck lives with us during every season and fully understands our ambitions and dreams for the domaine. This collaboration is really important for Pierre-Marie and I, something that is very much part of the vision of what the domaine means to us today: a living place, of work and exchange for the benefit of all of us.

Because exchange of views, listening and attention to detail brings us together and takes us forward.

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Sabine – commercial assistant and dynamic administrator

Sabine came to support us during the 2013 vintage when I went on maternity leave for the birth of our son Joseph.
Sabine is our wonderful commercial and administrative assistant. She is the smile on the phone and email, she is meticulous in arranging and following up our wine orders both in France and internationally.
She is our second and third brain in many situations.
Joyful, positive, cheerful and very committed to respect for humanity and plant life.

Because observation, communication and     
questioning bring us together.

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Pierrick – compagnon vigneron

Pierrick joined us on April Fools Day – 1st April 2017. I am not joking! However, his daily good humour has been with us ever since.
Pierrick was a cattle farmer.
His good common sense was one of the key human qualities along with his skills that we wanted to add to our team.
His jovaial personality, keen observation allied with being highly competent and confident with manual work brings a complementary facet to our team.
Pierrick discovered the world of wine with us and his colleagues Franck and Bruno.

Because good humour, ability to listen, adaptability             
and attention to detail bring us together and take us forward.

Lydie – dynamic financial assistant

Lydie joined us right at the beginning of 2018. As Monique had just retired, we needed an excellent financial assistant to support all our projects for the domaine.
Like many members of our happy team, Lydie does not come from the wine world, so this has been a whole new milieu and vocabulary for her to discover in her first years with us.
Lydie’s expertise and her meticulous attention to detail in her work has allowed us to successful carry out our plans as well as visualise further projects for the future.
Great wines come from exceptional vineyard sites but careful and rigorous monitoring of customer and supplier accounts is also essential.
Lydie’s arrival has reinforced our conviction that everyone in our team brings their own perspective, their own qualities and skills that makes our projects successful.

Because being meticulous, questioning and the ability to listen bring us together.

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Antoine – compagnon vigneron

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During the 2017 vintage Antoine literally fell out of the sky into our vines. The Project Reflet opened our eyes to the world of disability when the parents of Antoine, who are restaurateurs in Noyal sur Vilaine near Rennes, asked us to take Antoine on for work experience. This internship went well and Antoine signed up for a work-study diploma. He duly passed and got his C.A.P. in agriculture-viticulture and joined our team on the eve of the 2019 harvest.
Antoine is, in the words of Flore Lelièvre, extraordinary. He functions differently from us. AGEFIPH, an organisation that helps disabled people get and manage employment, have been supporting Antoine, us and his family since Spring 2020 to fully understand and to put in place the necessary everyday tools so that Antoine’s work, on his own or as part of the team, is crowned with success. The team work that we carry out for and with Antoine gives us the chance to reflect both for all of our team and beyond in the context of our profession. Antoine helps us to reflect on our fundamental values

Because difference, listening and empathy bring us together.


Lori arrived in the 2009 vintage as a seasonal picker for the harvest.

From seasonal vines, she took the plunge to integrate and fully invest herself in the estate’s project for the 2014 vintage to take the position of order picker.

Lori often expresses her desire to understand, learn and grow and it is a real pleasure for Pierre-Marie & me to work with her every day.

Her positive and detail-oriented personality is in perfect harmony with the values ​​of the House and the meticulous and ambitious work of preparing orders in 45 countries with all the rules and program changes that entails.

Because precision, positivity and commitment bring us together.

Lori, order picker

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Francine – perfect housemaid but not only !

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Francine joined the estate at the end of summer 2022.

She then began a major shift in her personal and professional life and made the bet to join the estate to take care of our cellars, our tasting room, our offices and also of us when she cooked us delicious meals.
She has no equal when it comes to managing young team during the iconic Porte Ouverte at the end of November. Attention to detail, the desire to progress and always has eyes light up of a mission well accomplished.
Francine takes care of the estate and it’s a real comfort every day.

Because the beauty of a well-ordered domain brings us together.

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Capucine – Young talent of tomorrow

Capucine arrived at the estate over time.
First during one-off missions for our events (concerts, open doors tasting …) then on a long-term basis for a work-study License as tourism project manager as part of the creation of the tourist house in Gervaux Clisson in September 2023.
His enthusiasm for each of his missions at the estate, although very varied, never fades.
Operational, marketing, sales, partner search, financial study… The spectrum is wide and Capucine remains anchored in its desire to do well, grow with us and launch into tomorrow.

Because diversity and progression in our works bring us together.

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Share your tasting moments!

Identify @domaineluneaupapin in your photos and mention the #hashtag of the cuvée. We will present the best photos on our site.
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Phone: +33(0)2 40 06 45 27
3, La Grange – 44 430 Le Landreau – FRANCE

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