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of Domaine Luneau-Papin

Le Verger

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A.O.P Muscadet Sèvre & Maine
Les Bernardières

cuvee le verger - Domaine Luneau Papin
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100% Melon B


Village of la Chapelle-Heulin. Vines planted in 1998.
Bedrock of shist. Plot named les Bernardières.


Muscadet Sèvre & Maine


Spring soil preparation has been performed in a traditional manner (earthing down and hoeing) throughout the entire estate since 2009. We treat and take care of the vines with natural preparations (no chemical products) and sow cover crops such as pulses and cereals at the end of summer, with close attention to the needs of each crop. We stimulate soil life with one or two applications of horn dung; (preparation 500) in spring and apply a horn silica (preparation 501) after bloom and before harvest if necessary.
Vines are short cut pruned (single guyot) during winter. Vine density is 6,500 plants per hectare.
Careful sorting is carried out in the vineyard by grape harvesters.


Grapes are pressed in a pneumatic press, strength and length of pressing is adapted to each vintage.
Spontaneous fermentation using only natural yeasts. Fermentation and maturation on lees in underground glass lined vats for seven months, without racking until bottling in sping time 2020.


Serve at 12˚C
Excellent as an aperitif with shellfish, fish in a sea salt crust, roasted fillet of sea bream, Asian cuisine, or fresh cheeses.


In this vintage, the Muscadets are also built on freshness: Le Verger is firm and prominent, while the Grange asserts itself with more roundness and flesh.
RVF Guide Vert 2023 by Alexis Goujard

THE JELLY EGG, WITH IT, FOCUS ON FRESH WHITES The Muscadet Le Verger 2020 from Domaine Luneau-Papin offers a great alternative in the Loire Valley. This wine from the village of La Chapelle-Heulin breathes shale both in its aromas and in its flavors. Its elegant frame is finalized on beautiful mineral bitterness that brings relief. The estate stands out from its entry level with cuvées marked by purity and salinity.
RVF Art de Vivre Accord minute by Olivier Poussier 

Le Verger – We fell in love with this devilishly stony wine. Moreover, the beautiful label figuring the original sin is timely: this wine is so pure that it seems to go back to the origins of the terroir. Be careful, do not expect a slew of fruit, we are on a rock overlooking the sea. The nose smells intensely of stone and oil, delivering a racy personality. The very iodized mouth crowns this idea of licking a pebble beach.
A Muscadet dream.
Le Monde des vins – Juin 2017


750ml and 1500 ml dark oak Burgundy bottle
6 or 12 bottle cases


LABEL ECOCERT organic agriculture 
LABEL DEMETER and LABEL BIODYVIN biodynamique agriculture

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Phone: +33(0)2 40 06 45 27
3, La Grange – 44 430 Le Landreau – FRANCE

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